Hale Collection of Connecticut Cemetery Inscriptions

Copied by Lynn Tooley


Rocky Hill Cemetery Records, Surnames D-H
Town of Rocky Hill
Hartford County, Connecticut

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Rocky Hill Cemetery Surnames: [ A-C ] [ D-H ] [ J-R ] [ S-Z ]

Rocky Hill Cemetery was copied from the Charles R. Hale Collection as found in the Connecticut State Library.

Dally, Charlotte L., daughter of Henry and Mary, wife of Jonathan H., died Mar. 30, 1916, age 81 yrs. 6 mos.

Dandero, Louis, Company P., 151st Depot Brigade World War, stone, flag, no marker, died Jan. 12, 1927, age 38 yrs.

Danforth, Almira, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth, died Dec. 12, 1801, age 7 yrs. 1 mo. 5 days.

Danforth, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, died Dec. 30, 1826, age 72 yrs.

Danforth, Ellen Cornelia, daughter of Thomas and Mary W., died Apr. 4, 1834, age 1 yr.

Danforth, Florence Bulkley, daughter of Walter W. and Frances E., born May 9, 1863, died Nov. 23, 1899.

Danforth, Frances E., wife of Walter W., born Nov. 7, 1835, died May 11, 1912.

Danforth, Mary B., daughter of Thomas and Mary W., born 1830, died 1905.

Danforth, Mary Williams, daughter of Joseph and Mary Butler, relict of Thomas, Jr., died May 28, 1858, age 54 yrs.

Danforth, Samuel Blackstone, son of Walter W. and Frances E., born May 1, 1862, died Aug. 9, 1862.

Danforth, Sarah Snyder, daughter of Henry T. and Evelyn A., died Apr. 2, 1869.

Danforth, Thomas, Jr., died Mar. 23, 1836, age 44 yrs.

Danforth, Walter W., son of Thomas and Mary W., born Apr. 4, 1835, died July 23, 1886.

Daniels, Laura Wilder, born 1826, died 1896.

Daniels, Willie, born 1849, died 1853.

De-John, James, born 1904, died 1931.

Deming, Abigail, consort of _awnall (?), died Feb. 23 (?), 1785, age 18 yrs.

Deming, Abraham, died Sept. 25, 1776, age 38 yrs.

Deming, Addie, daughter of W. W. and A. E., died Aug. 27, 1882, age 10 yrs. 8 mos.

Deming, Alfred A., son of Erastus and Charlotte, died Oct. 25, 1846, age 13 yrs.

Deming, Alfred, son of Asa and Clarissa, died July 28, 1797, age 6 wks. 5 days.

Deming, Celestia, wife of Luther, died Dec. 20, 1862, age 57 yrs.

Deming, Charles T., died Nov. 8, 1890, age 45 yrs., Company E., 8th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War marker, flag and stone.

Deming, Charlotte, wife of Erastus, died Oct. 31, 1865, age 61 yrs.

Deming, Daniel, died at sea Apr. 23, 1748, age 38 yrs.

Deming, Edward Foster, born Aug. 18, 1878, died Mar. 1, 1926.

Deming, Erastus, died Feb. 8, 1853, age 53 yrs.

Deming, Frances E. Cook, wife of Sherman E., born 1853, died 1906.

Deming, Hamblin, son of Jonathan and Jerusha, died Oct. 11, 1776, age 6 yrs.

Deming, Hannah, daughter of Luman and Mary, died Oct. 29, 1800, age 3 yrs.

Deming, Hannah, wife of Giles, died Feb. 9, 1799, age 72 yrs.

Deming, Infant daughter of Benjamin and Mary, born and died June 2, 1731.

Deming, Jerusha, relict of Jonathan, died Jan. 21, 1815, age 78 yrs.

Deming, John B., died Feb. 26, 1842, age 51 yrs.

Deming, Jonathan, died Mar. 31, 1799, age 68 yrs.

Deming, Laura Lockwood Scranton, wife of Edward Foster, no dates.

Deming, Lella, daughter of W. W. and A. E., died Dec. 23, 1879, age 4 yrs. 8 mos.

Deming, Linus, died Jan. 17, 1891, age 86 yrs.

Deming, Luella B., daughter of Sherman and Frances, born 1893, died 1903.

Deming, Luman, died Dec. 4, 1849, age 30 yrs.

Deming, Luman, died May 30, 1821, age 54 yrs.

Deming, Luther, died Apr. 19, 1864, age 54 yrs.

Deming, Mary, daughter of Daniel and Mehitibel, died July 25, 1734, age 30 hrs.

Deming, Mary, relict of Luman, died Sept. 29, 1836, age 69 yrs.

Deming, Mehitibel, widow of Daniel, died Jan. 6, 1784, age 89 yrs.

Deming, Sherman E., born 1845, died 1915, Company K., 81st New York Civil War marker, flag, no stone.

Deming, Sophia, died Mar. 18, 1891, age 84 yrs.

Deming, Thomas, died Jan. 31, 1747, age 67 yrs.

Deming, William M., born 1831, died 1865.

Derrick, Lucy Jane, daughter of Captain Thomas and Lucy Goodrich, born Feb. 15, 1841, died Feb. 26, 1844.

Dickinson, Abigail, wife of Wait, died May 24, 1827, age 78 yrs.

Dickinson, Burrage, son of Elias and Ruth, died Aug. 2, 1786, age 7 yrs.

Dickinson, Caroline, born Jan. 4, 1798, died July 22, 1878.

Dickinson, Celesta, daughter of Elizur and Polly, died Sept. 24, 1804, age 6 yrs.

Dickinson, David, son of Eleazer and Jemima, died Jan. 31, 1754, age 15 yrs.

Dickinson, Elias, died Nov. 30, 1822, age 80 yrs.

Dickinson, Elias, son of Elias and Ruth, died Aug. 26, 1786, age 4 yrs.

Dickinson, Elias, son of Harvey and Hannah, died 1837, age 30 yrs.

Dickinson, Eliphelit, died Sept. 8, 1733, age 54 1/2 yrs.

Dickinson, Elizur, died May 8, 1848, age 76 yrs.

Dickinson, Hannah, died Sept. 26, 1810, age 65 yrs.

Dickinson, Hannah, relict of Harvey, died Sept. 1, 1831, age 62 yrs.

Dickinson, Hannah, wife of Obadiah, died Apr. 23, 1781, age 76 yrs.

Dickinson, Harvey, died 1822, age 52 yrs.

Dickinson, Henry, son of Harvey and Hannah, died Apr. 10, 1852, age 47 yrs.

Dickinson, Hepzibah, wife of Russel, died July 4, 1826, age 31 yrs.

Dickinson, Jane, born July 20, 1811, died Oct. 19, 1876.

Dickinson, Jerusha Goodrich, wife of Seth, died Mar. 5, 1799, age 22 yrs.

Dickinson, Jerusha, daughter of Seth and Jerusha, died Nov. 11, 1797, age 9 mos. 21 days.

Dickinson, Lois, died Jan. 29, 1802, age 33 yrs.

Dickinson, Lucy, wife of Ransom, died Feb. 2, 1835, age 26 yrs.

Dickinson, Mary, daughter of Henry and Hannah, died May 24, 1830, age 22 yrs.

Dickinson, Mary, wife of Seth, died Mar. 10, 1860, age 88 yrs.

Dickinson, Norris, son of Elizur and Polly, died Oct. 9, 1804, age 2 yrs.

Dickinson, Obadiah, died May 23, 1782, age 80 yrs.

Dickinson, Polly, wife of Elizur, died Jan. 3, 1843, age 66 yrs.

Dickinson, Ransom, son of Elizur and Polly, died Feb. 4, 1835, age 34 yrs.

Dickinson, Rebeckah, wife of Eliphelit, died Nov. 2, 1755, age 76 yrs.

Dickinson, Rockwell, died June 9, 1794, age 22 yrs.

Dickinson, Rockwell, son of Harvey and Hannah, died Sept. 22, 1824.

Dickinson, Russel, died May 26, 1881, age 86 yrs.

Dickinson, Sabra, wife of Seth, died May 29, 1810, age 30 yrs.

Dickinson, Sarah, wife of Russel, died July 16, 1861, age 67 yrs.

Dickinson, Susan, daughter of Harvey and Hannah, died Oct. 8, 1826, age 12 yrs.

Dickinson, Wait, died Apr. 4, 1835, age 83 yrs., Colonel Webb's Regiment, Revolutionary War flag, stone and marker.

Dickinson, William, son of Harvey and Hannah, died Sept. 1823, age 19 yrs.

Dickinson, William, son of Harvey and Rachel, died Oct. 15, 1870, age 37 yrs. 9 days.

DiGiovanni, Nicola, 12th Company, 151st Brigade, died Mar. 16, 1933, age 37 yrs., World War stone, flag, no marker.

Dimock, ????, son of Joseph and Sarah, died Mar. 16, 1810, age 1 yr. 7 mos.

Dimock, Andrew, son of Samuel and Mary, died Jan. 17, 1800, age 11 yrs.

Dimock, Andrew, son of Samuel and Rebekah, died Mar. 5, 1796, age 9 yrs.

Dimock, Davis, son of Joseph and Elizabeth, died Aug. 30, 1798, age 26 yrs. 2 mos. 6 days.

Dimock, Elizabeth, wife of Joseph, died Apr. 11, 1807, age 70 yrs.

Dimock, Ella M., wife of Samuel, born Feb. 8, 1854, died Dec. 2, 1916, age 62 yrs.

Dimock, Eunice, wife of Samuel, died Jan. 25, 1821, age 58 yrs.

Dimock, Infant daughter of Joseph and Sarah, died Jan. 1814.

Dimock, Jared G., died Dec. 22, 1888, age 86 yrs.

Dimock, Joseph, died Mar. 1, 1819, age 49 yrs., perished at sea.

Dimock, Marianne, died May 9, 1882, age 83 yrs.

Dimock, Mary Olivia, daughter of Jared and Sophia, died Feb. 27, 1840, age 4 yrs.

Dimock, Mary Sophia, wife of Samuel, died Apr. 3, 1886, age 59 yrs. 2 mos. 5 days.

Dimock, Mary, 2nd wife of Samuel, died Nov. 3, 1803, age 38 yrs.

Dimock, Rebekah, wife of Samuel, died Oct. 14, 1798, age 38 yrs.

Dimock, Samuel, born Oct. 14, 1824, died Jan. 5, 1917, age 92 yrs.

Dimock, Samuel, died Dec. 27, 1820, age 59 yrs. 7 mos. 7 days.

Dimock, Sarah M. Robbins, wife of Jared G., died July 5, 1891, age 80 yrs.

Dimock, Sarah, wife of Joseph, died Mar. 6, 1819, age 46 yrs.

Dimock, Sophia Butler, wife of Jared G., died Apr. 20, 1854, age 50 yrs.

Dimock, Wait W., son of Joseph and Sarah, died Oct. 4, 1808, age 3 yrs.

Dimock, William Davis, son of Joseph and Sarah, died at sea Mar., 1812, age 19 yrs.

Dinunzio, Grace Matilda, born April 18, 1900, died July 16, 1917.

Dinunzio, James A., born 1907, died 1911.

DiPersio, Carmine, born 1871, died 1934.

DiPersio, Donato Mucci, wife of Carmine, born 1874, died 1928.

Doolittle, Abraham B., died Feb. 20, 1882, age 73 yrs.

Doolittle, Urania Hooker, wife of Abraham B., born May 14, 1814, died Nov. 8, 1895.

Dunbar, Cyrus, died Mar. 23, 1882, age 73 yrs.

Dunbar, Sarah Hodge, wife of Cyrus, died Sept. 25, 1884, age 78 yrs.

Dunn, Captain Richard, died May 17, 1794, age 69 yrs.

Dunn, Mary, wife of Captain Richard, died Aug. 16, 1788, age 62 yrs.

Dutton, Nancy M., born Jan. 4, 1832, died Apr. 10, 1898.

Edwards, Henry, born 1835, died 1898.

Edwards, John, died Oct. 14, 1865, age 63 yrs.

Edwards, Levi, died Mar. 6, 1811, age 46 yrs.

Edwards, Martha, died Sept. 17, 1835, age 80 yrs.

Edwards, Mary W., born 1809, died 1871.

Edwards, Rebecca, died Dec. 31, 1842, age 89 yrs.

Edwards, Rosette, died Nov. 28, 1843, age 74 yrs.

Edwards, Sarah, died Mar. 3, 1836, age 87 yrs.

Elmore, Benjamin D., born 1855, died 1908.

Elmore, Bertha C., born 1880, died 1906.

Elmore, Daniel M., born 1823, died 1885, 3rd United States Infantry, Mexican War, Captain 102nd New York Volunteers, Civil War, Buried in New York Bay Cemetery, Jersey City.

Elmore, Mary Ann Rhodes, wife of Daniel M., born 1829, died 1878.

Elmore, William A., son of Daniel and Mary, born 1860, died 1925.

Evans, Annie T., wife of Harvey E., no dates.

Evans, Elnora A., born 1850, died 1906.

Evans, Harvey E., born 1861, died 1929.

Fast, Helen M., born 1918, died 1920.

Flint, Charles F., died 1908.

Flint, Hiram P., born Feb. 14, 1817, died Apr. 14, 1840.

Flint, Jared W., born Aug. 25, 1805, died Dec. 31, 1841.

Flint, John F., son of Hiram P. and Pollly A., born Mar. 15, 1819, died Nov. 7, 1870.

Flint, John, born Apr. 19, 1778, died Aug. 31, 1854.

Flint, Mary A. Daniels, wife of Charles E., died 1920.

Flint, Polly Akeley, wife of John, born Mar. 18, 1783, died Aug. 30, 1847.

Foster, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth, died Oct. 7, 1775, age 5 yrs.

Fowler, Charles G., born July 16, 1839, died Mar. 8, 1914.

Fowler, Emily Clark, wife of Charles A., born July 19, 1839, died Dec. 25, 1907.

Fowler, Fred Everett, born Dec. 16, 1866, died Feb. 23, 1920.

Fowler, Gertrude Sherwood, wife of Fred E., no dates.

Fowler, Lillian Gertrude, daughter of F. E. and G. S., born Nov. 29, 1890, died Dec. 6, 1893.

Furniss, Dedie E., born 1877, died 1916.

Furrey, Le, born 1891, died 1918. (Flag). Footstone "Cornelia", ----, no further information.

Gardner, Ellen J., wife of Melzar P., born May 1, 1842, died Nov. 15, 1866.

Gardner, Mary E. Hoskins, wife of John W., born 1853, died 1924.

Gaylord, Samuel, son of Joseph, died Mar. 6, 1753, age 10 mos.

Gibbs, Elizabeth, wife of John, died Mar. 20, 1820, age 65 yrs.

Gibbs, Harriet, wife of Jacob, died Mar. 22, 1830, age 51 yrs.

Gibbs, Jacob, died Apr. 1, 1848, age 72 yrs.

Gibbs, John, died Dec. 8, 1836, age 87 yrs.

Gibbs, John, Jr., son of John and Elizabeth, died Sept. 3, 1795, age 21 yrs.

Gibbs, Mary, consort of Jacob, died Feb. 27, 1787, age 81 yrs.

Gibbs, Milly, daughter of John and Elizabeth, died Dec. 2, 1795, age 6 yrs. 5 days.

Gilbert, Charles S., born 1856, died 1930.

Gilbert, Elisha, born 1816, died 1900.

Gilbert, Elizabeth Goodrich, wife of Timothy, born Sept. 20, 1840, died Nov. 7, 1917.

Gilbert, Martha Smith, wife of Elisha, born 1821, died 1890.

Gilbert, Mary E. Beaumont, wife of Charles S., born 1863, died 1928.

Gilbert, Timothy, born May 9, 1834, died Oct. 24, 1917.

Goff, Anna, wife of Gideon, born 1755, died 1809.

Goff, Gideon, born 1761, died 1849.

Goff, Gideon, Jr., ----, born 1797, died 1823.

Goodale, Ebenezer, died Feb. 18, 1847, age 66 yrs.

Goodale, Fanny, daughter of Ebenezer and Sally, died Feb. 24, 1823, age 10 yrs.

Goodale, Lucy Ann, daughter of Ebenezer and Sally, died Apr. 9, 1826, age 3 yrs. 8 mos.

Goodale, Sally, wife of Ebenezer, died Dec. 29, 1832, age 47 yrs.

Goodrich, Abigail, wife of Elizur, died Oct. 11, 1795, age 37 yrs.

Goodrich, Abigail, wife of Gurdon, died Feb. 2, 1787, age 65 yrs.

Goodrich, Alfred H., son of A. M. and E. B., died Jan. 12, 1863, age 7 yrs.

Goodrich, Almira, wife of Eleazer, died May 20, 1843, age 53 yrs.

Goodrich, Alpheus, died June 24, 1803, age 80 yrs.

Goodrich, Alpheus, Jr., son of Alpheus and Hepsey, died Apr. 2, 1853, age 87 yrs.

Goodrich, Amelia, daughter of Martin and Permelia, died Mar. 15, 1816, age 12 yrs. 6 mos.

Goodrich, Anna, wife of Deacon Joel, died Sept. 7, 1854, age 68 yrs.

Goodrich, Anne D., wife of Captain Jason, died June 5, 1832, age 40 yrs.

Goodrich, Augusta E., daughter of Levi and Nancy, died Aug. 9, 1853, age 21 yrs.

Goodrich, Barnabas, son of Gurdon and Marcy, died Apr. 10, 1800, age 21 yrs.

Goodrich, Belinda Belden, wife of Nathaniel B., died Mar. 23, 1891, age 62 yrs.

Goodrich, Belinda Webb, wife of Captain Jason, born 1807, died 1892.

Goodrich, Benjamin, died Oct. 19, 1917, age 72 yrs., Company L. 1st Heavy Artillery Connecticut Volunteers, Vivil War marker, stone and flag.

Goodrich, Binah, wife of Ichabod, died June 10, 1813, age 43 yrs.

Goodrich, Captain Jason L., died Apr. 1, 1843, age 26 yrs., no flag or marker.

Goodrich, Captain Jason, died Jan. 24, 1850, age 60 yrs., no flag or marker.

Goodrich, Captain Oliver, United States Navy, died Mar. 1, 1830, Revolutionary War stone, flag and marker.

Goodrich, Catharine, daughter of Elijah and Lydia, died Sept. 5, 1799, age 44 yrs.

Goodrich, Catherine, daughter of Alpheus, Jr. and Roxanna, died 1804, age 4 yrs.

Goodrich, Charles A., son of Sylvester and Sarah M., died Apr. 3, 1868, age 28 yrs.

Goodrich, Charles N., born 1849, died 1919.

Goodrich, Chester B., died Nov. 15, 1889, age 87 yrs.

Goodrich, Clarence, born 1863, died 1906.

Goodrich, Cynthia Whitmore, wife of Levi, died Dec. 28, 1870, age 74 yrs.

Goodrich, Deacon David, died July 14, 1785, age 90 yrs.

Goodrich, Deacon Joel, died Dec. 26, 1851, age 68 yrs.

Goodrich, Deborah, died Dec. 18, 1843, age 73 yrs.

Goodrich, Deborah, relict of Jared, died June 27, 1841, age 73 yrs.

Goodrich, Della E., daughter of A. M. and E. B., died Jan. 16, 1863, age 5 yrs.

Goodrich, Ebenezer, died Sept. 19, 1813, age 80 yrs.

Goodrich, Edward H., son of Joseph B. and Jerusha, died Aug. 2, 1862, age 2 yrs. 6 mos. 16 days.

Goodrich, Edward W., son of Jason and Belinda, died Aug. 8, 1850, age 12 yrs.

Goodrich, Edward, son of Jeremy and Mary D., died Mar. 21, 1863, age 4 yrs. 7 mos.

Goodrich, Eleazer, died Mar. 28, 1857, age 76 yrs.

Goodrich, Eli, died Jan. 26, 1821, age 58 yrs.

Goodrich, Eli, died May 24, 1882, age 71 yrs.

Goodrich, Elijah, died Mar. 3, 1803, age 76 yrs.

Goodrich, Elizur, died Aug. 22, 1798, age 41 yrs., Captain Chester's Company, Colonel Spencer's Regiment, Revolutionary War marker, flag and stone.

Goodrich, Emeline E. Butler, wife of Eli, died Jan. 16, 1909, age 90 yrs.

Goodrich, Emily E. Morgan, wife of Walter S., born April 13, 1846, died Oct. 31, 1923.

Goodrich, Ephraim, born 1825, ----.

Goodrich, Ephraim, Captain Brown's Company, Revolutionary War, died Apr. 25, 1826, age 74 yrs, Flag and stone, no marker.

Goodrich, Ephriam, died Feb. 28, 1739, age 74 yrs.

Goodrich, Esther, baby daughter of Norman W. and Harriet, born Nov. 4, 1869, died Sept. 13, 1870.

Goodrich, Esther, died Dec. 22, 1856, age 84 yrs.

Goodrich, Francis E., son of Jeremy and Mary D., died Oct. 27, 1864, age 1 yr.

Goodrich, Francis Henry, son of Jasper and Lura, died Apr. 18, 1817, age 11 mos.

Goodrich, Francis N., born 1845, died 1914.

Goodrich, Frederick J., son of Joseph B. and Jerusha, died Apr. 23, 1858, age 8 mos. 3 days.

Goodrich, G. N.

Goodrich, George A., son of James W. and Mercy, born Aug. 9, 1857, died Aug. 22, 1890.

Goodrich, George P., son of Jeremy and Harriet, Company D., 2nd Regiment, New York Cavalry, died Aug. 1, 1864, age 27 yrs.

Goodrich, George, died May 6, 1844, age 52 yrs.

Goodrich, Gertrude A., daughter of Joseph B. and Jerusha, died Sept. 12, 1856, age 1 yr. 7 mos. 2 days.

Goodrich, Gideon F., died Jan. 8, 1854, age 26 yrs.

Goodrich, Gideon, Captain, died Aug. 9, 1769, age 73 yrs. (Flag).

Goodrich, Gurdon, died Dec. 2, 1815, age 69 yrs.

Goodrich, Gurdon, died Jan. 21, 1794, age 75 yrs.

Goodrich, Harriet A., daughter of Lemuel and Harriet, died Oct. 24, 1838, age 34 yrs.

Goodrich, Harriet Baker, wife of Norman W., born April 14, 1829, died Mar. 11, 1916.

Goodrich, Harriet, wife of Jeremy, died Apr. 24, 1840, age 32 yrs.

Goodrich, Harriet, wife of Lemuel, died Nov. 27, 1838, age 64 yrs.

Goodrich, Henry Deming, son of Lemuel and Harriet, died June 14, 1801, age 5 mos.

Goodrich, Henry, son of Jeremy and Harriet, died June 2, 1840, age 10 mos.

Goodrich, Hepsey, wife of Alpheus, died Aug. 17, 1793, age 59 yrs.

Goodrich, Hepsibah, wife of Deacon David, died Dec. 9, 1783, age 83 yrs.

Goodrich, Herbert N., son of N. W. and Harriet B., born Jan. 2, 1859, died July 22, 1865.

Goodrich, Hezekiah, died Nov. 21, 1788, age 55 yrs., Flag, French and Indian War or Revolution.

Goodrich, Hudson J., son of A. M. and E. B., died Jan. 19, 1863, age 7 mos.

Goodrich, Hugh M., died Mar. 2, 1885, age 37 yrs.

Goodrich, Ichabod, Captain Well's Company, 3rd Regiment, Connecticut Line, Revolutionary War, died Sept. 3, 1844, age 86 yrs., Flag, stone and marker.

Goodrich, Infant child of Jasper and Lura, died Oct., 1822, age 2 mos.

Goodrich, Infant child of Sylvester and Sarah M., died July 16, 1844, age 5 mos.

Goodrich, Isaac, died Sept. 11, 1831, age 67 yrs.

Goodrich, J.

Goodrich, James H., son of Levi and Nancy, died Feb. 20, 1853, age 25 yrs.

Goodrich, Jared, 3rd Regiment, Connecticut Line, died Nov. 24, 1833, Revolutionary War flag, stone, age 73 yrs, (marker).

Goodrich, Jasper, Captain Strickland's Company, died July 6, 1871, age 81 yrs., buried St. Croix, West Indies, War of 1812 flag, stone and marker.

Goodrich, Jeremy, died Oct. 4, 1884, age 74 yrs.

Goodrich, Jeremy, Jr., son of Jeremy and Harriet, Company C., 16th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, died Sept. 1, 1864, age 29 yrs.

Goodrich, Jerusha Rogers, wife of Joseph B., died Dec. 10, 1901, age 82 yrs.

Goodrich, Jerusha, wife of Hezekiah, died Apr. 4, 1794, age 52 yrs.

Goodrich, Joseph B., died Jan. 22, 1866, age 59 yrs.

Goodrich, Joseph Butler, son of Hezekiah and Joseph, died Jan. 22, 1774, age 1 yr. 2 mos. 10 days.

Goodrich, Laura A., wife of Thomas R., died May 1, 1855, age 24 yrs.

Goodrich, Laura Ann, daughter of Levi and Nancy, died July 31, 1823, age 8 yrs.

Goodrich, Laura C. Rash, wife of Ephraim, born 1826, died 1905.

Goodrich, Lawrence, died Oct. 21, 1841, age 15 yrs.

Goodrich, Lemuel H., died Oct. 4, 1854, age 48 yrs.

Goodrich, Lemuel, died May 3, 1806, age 35 yrs.

Goodrich, Leverett A., died Apr. 1, 1884, age 61 yrs.

Goodrich, Levi, died May 2, 1862, age 68 yrs.

Goodrich, Levi, died Sept. 19, 1859, age 65 yrs.

Goodrich, Lucy A., wife of Norman W., died Jan. 26, 1851, age 34 yrs.

Goodrich, Lura, wife of Jasper, died Sept. 12, 1822, age 30 yrs.

Goodrich, Luther, died Nov. 12, 1832, age 56 yrs.

Goodrich, Lydia, wife of Elijah, died Feb. 10, 1804, age 74 yrs.

Goodrich, Maranda, daughter of Luther and Sarah, died Feb. 25, 1828, age 25 yrs.

Goodrich, Maria, daughter of Ichabod and Binah, died Feb. 24, 1811, age 1 mo.

Goodrich, Mariette, died July 13, 1860, age 28 yrs.

Goodrich, Mary B., wife of Walter D., born 1841, died 1926.

Goodrich, Mary D., wife of Jeremy, died Dec. 5, 1880, age 57 yrs.

Goodrich, Mary E. Wright, wife of Charles N., born 1851, died 1913.

Goodrich, Mary E., wife of Leverett A., born Feb. 15, 1842, died Oct. 1, 1925.

Goodrich, Mehitable, wife of William, died Feb. 8, 1819, age 53 yrs.

Goodrich, N.

Goodrich, Nancy Bell, wife of Jasper, died Feb. 22, 1872, age 76 yrs.

Goodrich, Nancy, wife of Levi, died May 21, 1866, age 74 yrs.

Goodrich, Nathan, son of Ichabod and Binah, died May 2, 1793, age 1 mo.

Goodrich, Nathaniel B., died Aug. 20, 1875, age 54 yrs.

Goodrich, Nathaniel B., son of Nathaniel and Belinda, died Jan. 24, 1858, age 3 yrs.

Goodrich, Norman W., born Jan. 25, 1818, died Jan. 20, 1890.

Goodrich, Norris H., died Mar. 5, 1853, age 34 yrs.

Goodrich, Oliver, died Sept. 23, 1780, age 65 yrs.

Goodrich, Orrin, died May 1, 1866, age 66 yrs.

Goodrich, Otis D., died May 8, 1850, age 38 yrs.

Goodrich, Otis, son of Wait and Olive, died Aug. 22, 1808, age 6 yrs. 7 mos.

Goodrich, Parmelia, died Jan. 28, 1881, age 93 yrs.

Goodrich, Polly E., wife of Chester B., died Nov. 25, 1838, age 29 yrs.

Goodrich, Rebekah, wife of Ephraim, died Apr. 23, 1805, age 76 yrs.

Goodrich, Rhoda M., wife of Chester B., died Sept. 7, 1865, age 52 yrs.

Goodrich, Rhoda, wife of Eli, died Apr. 1, 1815, age 50 yrs.

Goodrich, Rockwell, son of Ichabod and Binah, died June 21, 1815, age 20 yrs.

Goodrich, Roxana, wife of Alpheus, Jr., died Apr. 22, 1813, age 49 yrs.

Goodrich, Russel, son of Wait and Olive, died Feb. 3, 1809, age 1 yr. 10 days.

Goodrich, S.

Goodrich, Sally, daughter of Alpheus, Jr. and Roxanna, died 1828, age 20 yrs.

Goodrich, Samuel, died Apr. 14, 1863, age 69 yrs.

Goodrich, Sarah A., daughter of Chester B. and Polly E., died May 9, 1841, age 9 yrs. 8 mos.

Goodrich, Sarah M., wife of Sylvester, died Apr. 12, 1853, age 47 yrs.

Goodrich, Sarah, daughter of Jeremy and Harriet, died July 28, 1853, age 20 days.

Goodrich, Sarah, daughter of Luther and Sarah, died July 10, 1825, age 25 yrs.

Goodrich, Sarah, wife of Captain Gideon, died May 10, 1781, age 82 yrs.

Goodrich, Sarah, wife of Captain Oliver, died July 17, 1810, age 57 yrs.

Goodrich, Sarah, wife of Eli, died Feb. 12, 1840, age 60 yrs.

Goodrich, Sarah, wife of Luther, died Jan. 6, 1861, age 81 yrs.

Goodrich, Sarah, wife of William, born Feb. 2, 1792, died July 25, 1899.

Goodrich, Silas, son of Gurdon and Marcy, died Sept. 1, 1800, age 23 yrs.

Goodrich, Solomon, son of Alpheus, Jr. and Roxanna, died Feb. 1815, age 3 yrs.

Goodrich, Stephen T., died Apr. 21, 1890, age 68 yrs.

Goodrich, Susan, wife of Walter F., died Nov. 7, 1852, age 26 yrs.

Goodrich, Sylvester, died Dec. 17, 1885, age 79 yrs.

Goodrich, Temperance, wife of Oliver, died Oct. 24, 1809, age 79 yrs.

Goodrich, Walter D., born 1867, died 1914.

Goodrich, Walter S., born Dec. 18, 1840, died April 4, 1897, Company H., 2nd Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Civil War, Flag and stone, no marker.

Goodrich, Walter, son of Lemuel and Harriet, died Nov. 7, 1821, age 23 yrs.

Goodrich, Warren, son of Martin and Permelia, died Apr. 19, 1851, age 4 yrs. 10 days.

Goodrich, Wilber, son of Nathaniel B. and Belinda, died Oct. 4, 1854, age 6 mos.

Goodrich, Willard, son of Nathaniel B. and Belinda, died Oct. 3, 1854, age 6 mos.

Goodrich, William Henry, son of William and Sarah, born Dec. 8, 1829, died June 16, 1859.

Goodrich, William, born July 4, 1791, died Apr. 28, 1865.

Goodrich, William, Captain Well's Company, Colonel Belden's Regiment, Revolutionary War flag, stone and marker, died July 4, 1837, age 76 yrs.

Goodrich, William, son of L. and M., born 1864, died 1918.

Goodwin, Nelson J., born 1849, died 1931.

Grace, James J., born 1855, died 1931.

Grannis, David Francis, son of Anson and Honor, died Apr. 23, 1826, age 4 yrs.

Grannis, Homar, wife of Anson, died Sept. 25, 1830, age 30 yrs.

Grant, Fannie Cora, wife of Frank Albert, born 1862, died 1922.

Grant, Frank Albert, born 1854, died 1922.

Grant, Lucy Frances, daughter of Frank and Fannie, born 1890, died 1906.

Graves, Josiah M., died June 18, 1895, age 59 yrs.

Graves, Kate, died Mar. 15, 1920, age 77 yrs.

Graves, Sarah E. Appley, wife of William, born 1825, died 1895.

Gray, John W., son of Jerry W. and Sarah W., died July 2, 1853, age 2 yrs.

Greene, Angeline E., wife of Joel K., died Jan. 19, 1889, age 47 yrs.

Greene, Bert Joel, son of Joel K. and Angeline E., died Feb. 28, 1878, age 10 days.

Greene, Eliza E., daughter of William B. and Sarah A., born 1844, died 1904.

Greene, Joel K., son of William B. and Sarah A., died Feb. 20, 1931, age 84 yrs.

Greene, Sarah A., wife of William B., born June 28, 1808, died Jan. 4, 1879.

Greene, William B., born Feb. 24, 1808, died July 18, 1899.

Grimes, Abigail, wife of Hezekiah, died Mar. 25, 1792, age 89 yrs.

Grimes, Abigail, wife of Josiah, died Nov. 12, 1771, age 22 yrs.

Grimes, Alexander, died Mar. 25, 1840, age 96 yrs.

Grimes, Betsey, daughter of Josiah and Mehitabel, died Sept. 27, 1859, age 80 yrs.

Grimes, Charlotte Bradford, wife of Richard, born 1796, died 1887.

Grimes, Donald, son of Roderick and Mary Ann, born June 9, 1826, died May 13, 1865, Civil War, No flag or marker.

Grimes, Gertrude, daughter of Roderick and Mary Ann, born Aug. 26, 1831, died Jan. 12, 1860.

Grimes, Henry, son of Alexander and Mary, died June 17, 1803, age 19 yrs.

Grimes, Hezekiah, died Dec. 5, 1740, age 49 yrs.

Grimes, Hezekiah, son of Alexander, died Dec. 19, 1833, age 58 yrs.

Grimes, Josiah, died Jan. 13, 1799, age 53 yrs.

Grimes, Marshall, son of Roderick and Mary Ann, born Jan. 16, 1818, died June 2, 1868, at Seyman, Texas, Civil War, No flag or marker.

Grimes, Martha, daughter of Hezekiah and Abigail, died Oct. 19, 1734, age 2 yrs.

Grimes, Mary Ann Church, wife of Roderick, born Sept. 21, 1793, died Feb. 29, 1872.

Grimes, Mary Dunn, wife of Alexander, died Feb. 26, 1823, age 75 yrs.

Grimes, Mary, wife of William, died Apr. 18, 1845, age 58 yrs.

Grimes, Mehitabel, 2nd wife of Josiah, died Sept. 27, 1802, age 52 yrs.

Grimes, Nathan, son of Alexander and Mary, died Aug. 2, 1796, age 22 yrs.

Grimes, Richard, Captain, born 1789, died 1857.

Grimes, Richard, son of Alexander and Mary, age 68 yrs.

Grimes, Roderick, born Oct. 3, 1786, died Nov. 25, 1861.

Grimes, Sally, wife of Hezekiah, died Dec. 12, 1822.

Grimes, Samuel, son of Alexander and Mary, died Sept. 12, 1794, age 17 yrs.

Grimes, Sophronia, daughter of Alexander and Mary, died Aug. 28, 1861, age 81 yrs.

Grimes, William, Captain, lost at sea Sept., 1819, age 37 yrs.

Griswold, Abigail, wife of John, died June 6, 1795, age 65 yrs.

Griswold, Albert A., son of Albert D. and Mary A., died Mar. 9, 1876, age 3 yrs. 8 mos.

Griswold, Albert C., born 1827, died 1892.

Griswold, Albert D., died Apr. 26, 1889, age 34 yrs. 9 mos.

Griswold, Albro, died Nov. 12, 1881, age 73 yrs.

Griswold, Alfred B., son of Willys W. and Roxanna, died Mar. 19, 1847, age 12 days.

Griswold, Alfred W., son of Walter A. and Louisa A., died Sept. 28, 1876, age 2 yrs. 4 mos.

Griswold, Alonzo, son of Jacob and Lydia, died Sept. 27, 1811, age 2 yrs. 9 mos. 12 days.

Griswold, Benjamin, son of William and Martha, died Dec. 19, 1793, age 23 yrs.

Griswold, Captain William, Lexington Alarm, Revolutionary War flag and stone, no marker, died Sept. 7, 1806, age 71 yrs.

Griswold, Caroline Louisa, wife of Albert C., born 1831, died 1908.

Griswold, Catharine, daughter of Albro and Florillo, born 1838, died 1841.

Griswold, Charlie Clifford, son of D. C. and Mary R., died Nov. 30, 1867, age 1 mo. 6 days.

Griswold, Charlie, son of Albert C. and Frances A., died Jan. 17, 1867, age 1 yr.

Griswold, Charlotte, wife of Josiah, died Sept. 3, 1847, age 73 yrs.

Griswold, Constant, born 1752, died 1839.

Griswold, Cornelius, died Dec. 20, 1870, age 45 yrs.

Griswold, Daniel C., born 1836, died 1891, Company C., Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War marker and flag.

Griswold, Deborah, wife of Josiah, died Aug. 14, 1763, age 38 yrs.

Griswold, Edward H., born 1855, died 1918.

Griswold, Elizabeth W. Arnold, wife of Solomon, died Sept. 15, 1903, age 94 yrs.

Griswold, Emma L., daughter of Albert D. and Mary A., died Feb. 27, 1869, age 7 yrs. 7 mos.

Griswold, Esther E. Hammond, wife of Rufus W., born 1820, died 1908.

Griswold, Flora A., daughter of Ralph H. and Harriet A., died Sept. 12, 1863, age 9 yrs. 6 mos.

Griswold, Florilla Cook, wife of Albro, born 1805, died 1895.

Griswold, Frances A., wife of Albert C., died Aug. 20, 1872, age 26 yrs.

Griswold, Frederick, died Apr. 17, 1882, age 85 yrs.

Griswold, Frederick, son of Frederick and Martha, died Feb. 9, 1839, age 5 yrs. 7 mos.

Griswold, Harriet A., wife of Ralph H., died Sept. 25, 1858, age 25 yrs.

Griswold, Helen S., born Feb. 8, 1843, died Sept. 28, 1872.

Griswold, Henry J., born Jan. 2, 1829, died July 9, 1905.

Griswold, Jacob, died May 25, 1792, age 33 yrs., Captain Well's Company, Colonel Belden's Regiment, Revolutionary War Flag, stone and marker.

Griswold, John, died Nov. 19, 1765, age 33 yrs.

Griswold, Josiah, died Dec. 19, 1832, age 57 yrs.

Griswold, Josiah, died Dec. 3, 1841, age 39 yrs.

Griswold, Julia Ann, wife of William, born Nov. 17, 1814, died Mar. 12, 1856.

Griswold, Julius E., born 1855, died 1923.

Griswold, Lester, son of Josiah and Charlotte, died Feb. 3, 1816, age 6 mos. 18 days.

Griswold, Lester, son of William and Julia A., died Feb. 17, 1841, age 5 yrs. 5 mos. 9 days.

Griswold, Lieutenant Josiah, died Oct. 20, 1774, age 46 yrs., Flag, Revolutionary War, No marker.

Griswold, Louisa M., wife of Alfred, died Jan. 17, 1871, age 51 yrs.

Griswold, Lucy B., wife of William, born Sept. 26, 1827, died Mar. 27, 1912.

Griswold, Lydia, wife of Jacob, died Jan. 19, 1823, age 36 yrs.

Griswold, Maggie A., wife of Martin J., died Mar. 27, 1877, age 34 yrs.

Griswold, Marion G. White, wife of Edward H., born 1858, died 1921.

Griswold, Martha A., wife of Frederick, died Jan. 21, 1879, age 82 yrs. 9 mos.

Griswold, Martha Ann, daughter of Frederick and Martha, died Feb. 16, 1830, age 11 mos. 15 days.

Griswold, Martha, daughter of Josiah and Charlotte, died Jan. 25, 1833, age 19 yrs.

Griswold, Martha, wife of Captain William, died Sept. 8, 1789, age 46 yrs.

Griswold, Martin J., son of Solomon and Elizabeth, died Apr. 17, 1915, age 75 yrs.

Griswold, Mary A. Wells, wife of Albert D., died Oct. 27, 1920, age 84 yrs. 3 mos.

Griswold, Mary J., wife of Henry J., died July 20, 1865, age 39 yrs.

Griswold, Mary Rose Williams, wife of Daniel C., born 1838, died 1911.

Griswold, Mercy, 2nd wife of Josiah, died Nov. 3, 1819, age 81 yrs.

Griswold, Nancy, daughter of Josiah and Mercy, died Oct. 1, 1781, age 15 yrs.

Griswold, Rachel, wife of Jacob, died Nov. 23, 1789, age 22 yrs.

Griswold, Rebecca Boardman, wife of Constant, born 1760, died 1825.

Griswold, Rebecca E. Norton, wife of Roger M., born 1858, died 1927.

Griswold, Roger M., born 1852, ----.

Griswold, Rufus M., born 1825, died 1902.

Griswold, Ruth E. Robbins, wife of Martin J., died Apr. 12, 1890, age 36 yrs.

Griswold, Sarah, daughter of Justus and Sarah, died Dec. 15, 1778, age 18 yrs.

Griswold, Sarah, wife of Jacob, died July 24, 1841, age 44 yrs.

Griswold, Soloman, died Aug. 17, 1777, age 25 yrs.

Griswold, Solomon, died Aug. 23, 1853, age 48 yrs.

Griswold, William, born Apr. 12, 1811, died Aug. 14, 1880.

Guile, Nathan C., born 1874, died 1929. (Flag).

Hale, Agnes M., daughter of Wilbur and Ella, born 1885, died 1907.

Hale, Alden, born 1835, died 1868.

Hale, Arthur H., son of Wilbur and Ella, born 1874, died 1916, Company F. Infantry Connecticut Volunteers, Spanish-American War, flag, stone and Marker.

Hale, Eliza L. Holmes, wife of Alden, born 1833, died 1909.

Hale, Ella E. Grover, wife of Wilbur H., born 1855, ----.

Hale, Everett W., born 1894, died 1906.

Hale, Nelson A., son of Alden and Eliza, born 1866, died 1867.

Hale, Wilbur H., died Mar. 21, 1924, age 75 yrs., Company G., 2nd (Flag) Massachusetts Volunteers, Civil War marker and stone.

Hall, Calvin L., son of Lucius and Caroline L., died Jan. 13, 1866, age 15 yrs. 9 mos.

Hall, Lottie L., daughter of Lucius and Caroline L., died Dec. 6, 1866, age 4 yrs. 4 mos.

Hall, Nathan J., died May 3, 1904, age 61 yrs., Company K., 22nd Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Marker, Flag and stone.

Hammond, Wealthy Goodrich, wife of Doctor C., died Sept. 7, 1923, age 85 yrs.

Harlow, Stephen P., Company K., 2nd Regiment, Heavy Artillery, Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War flag, stone and marker, died July 19, 1898.

Harris, Abigail, died Aug. 15, 1863, age 67 yrs.

Hart (?), Caroline, daughter of Seth and Lydia, died Feb. 26, 1812, age 10 yrs.

Hart (?), Selah, son of Seth and Anna, deid Oct. 2, 1796, age 1 day.

Hart (?), Seth, son of Seth and Anna, died Oct. 7, 1796, age 7 days.

Hart, Anna, wife of Seth, died June 27, 1799, age 35 yrs.

Hart, Lydia, wife of Seth, died Mar. 5, 1812, age 49 yrs.

Hart, Norman, son of Seth and Anna, died Aug. 28, 1794, age 3 mos. 10 days.

Hart, Seth, died June 12, 1813, age 53 yrs.

Hastings, Infant sons of Charles H. and Nancy, died Mar. 13, 1854, age 1 day.

Hastings, Nancy, wife of Charles H., died Feb. 28, 1855, age 39 yrs.

Hastings, Thomas, son of Charles H. and Nancy, died Nov. 18, 1847, age 2 yrs. 1 day.

Hatch, Albert D., died May 8, 1867, Company A. 16th Connecticut Volunteers Infantry, Civil War marker, flag and stone.

Hatch, Harriett, daughter of Albert and Maria, died Sept. 16, 1862, age 7 weeks.

Hatch, Maria, wife of Albert S., died Nov. 8, 1865, age 29 yrs.

Havens, Harold, born 1889, died 1892.

Havens, Lillian W., wife of Owen R., born 1852, died 1910.

Heritage, Alice S., born 1871, died 1915.

Hick, Frederick C., born 1864, died 1926.

Hickok, George M., died Mar. 4, 1858, age 51 yrs.

Hickok, Horace, son of Jeremiah and Mary, died July 19, 1822, age 2 yr. 9 mos.

Hickok, Jeremiah, died Oct. 4, 1827, age 49 yrs.

Hickok, Mary, wife of Jeremiah, died Dec. 9, 1867, age 88 yrs.

Higgins, Charles H., died May 10, 1892, Company C., 16th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War marker, flag and stone.

Higgins, Dr. Joseph, died July 18, 1797, age 37 yrs.

Higgins, Wait Williams, son of Dr. Joseph and Nancy, died Sept. 12, 1796, age 8 yrs.

Hills, Caroline Chapman, wife of Wells, died Feb. 17, 1904, age 81 yrs.

Hills, Wells, died Dec. 26, 1890, age 68 yrs. 10 mos.

Hine, Abigail, wife of Daniel S., died Oct. 23, 1832, age 24 yrs.

Hodgkins, Alice Lilley, wife of N. D., died Sept. 29, 1924, age 79 yrs.

Hodgkins, N. D., died Oct. 23, 1884, age 54 yrs.

Holmes, Allen B., born 1799, died 1843.

Holmes, Allen B., son of Daniel, died Jan. 23, 1797, age 3 1/2 yrs.

Holmes, Allen, died June 7, 1841, age 57 yrs.

Holmes, Ashbel B., son of Allen B. and Sally C., born 1842, died 1899.

Holmes, Christiana, wife of Ethan, died Jan. 14, 1859, age 86 yrs.

Holmes, Clifford L., born 1889, died 1918. World War marker and flag.

Holmes, Daniel, died Jan. 12, 1812, age 49 yrs., Colonel Webb's Regiment, Revolutionary marker, flag and stone.

Holmes, Eleazer, born Nov. 16, 1818, died July 17, 1903.

Holmes, Eliza, daughter of Allen B. and Sally C., born 1832, died 1838.

Holmes, Eliza, wife of William, died Feb. 13, 1863, age 58 yrs.

Holmes, Ethan, died Jan. 22, 1812, age 32 yrs.

Holmes, Eunice, widow of Daniel, died May 3, 1849, age 87 yrs.

Holmes, Francis B., son of Allen B. and Sally C., born 1831, died 1852.

Holmes, Frank E., son of Henry and Mary, born 1861, ----.

Holmes, Hannah, wife of Thomas, died Oct. 26, 1838, age 73 yrs.

Holmes, Hannah, wife of William, died Aug. 5, 1792, age 79 yrs.

Holmes, Harry C., born 1873, died 1911.

Holmes, Henrietta, no dates.

Holmes, Henry C., born 1827, died 1909. Civil War marker and flag.

Holmes, Henry W., born Sept. 26, 1856, died Dec. 29, 1882.

Holmes, Jerusha, daughter of Thomas and Hannah, died Aug. 10, 1823, age 23 yrs.

Holmes, Joseph T., son of William and Eliza, died June 9, 1855, age 27 yrs.

Holmes, Lester A., born 1854, died 1900.

Holmes, Marguerite C., born 1899, died 1920.

Holmes, Maria, daughter of Daniel, died Jan. 21, 1848, age 46 yrs.

Holmes, Maria, wife of A. E., died Oct. 6, 1848, age 29 yrs.

Holmes, Maria, wife of Eleazer, died Oct. 19, 1858, age 37 yrs.

Holmes, Martha, wife of Allen, died May 12, 1864, age 79 yrs.

Holmes, Mary Edmondson, wife of Henry C., born 1837, died 1906.

Holmes, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Hannah, died Mar. 4, 1842, age 45 yrs.

Holmes, Mary, wife of John, died Apr. 19, 1807, age 68 yrs.

Holmes, Sally C., wife of Allen B., born 1803, died 1875.

Holmes, Sarah, daughter of Daniel, died Nov. 30, 1834, age 39 yrs.

Holmes, Thomas, died Sept. 20, 1841, age 85 yrs. Flag, French and Indian War.

Holmes, Walter, died July 20, 1835, age 20 yrs.

Holmes, William S., daughter of Allen B. and Sally C., born 1836, died 1894.

Holmes, William, died Apr. 26, 1874, age 71 yrs.

Hooker, Lydia A., born Dec. 3, 1811, died July 9, 1899.

Hooker, Polly, died Mar. 23, 1886, age 77 yrs.

Hosford, Aaron, died Apr. 7, 1804, age 56 yrs., Captain, 4th Company, 6th Militia Regiment, flag and stone, no marker.

Hosford, Aaron, son of Aaron and Esther, died Feb. 6, 1805, age 32 yrs.

Hosford, Esther, wife of Aaron, died July 18, 1828, age 77 yrs.

Hosford, Ettie, died May 8, 1840, age 61 yrs.

Hosford, Joel Hall, son of Aaron and Esther, died Sept. 3, 1786, age 2 yrs.

Hosford, Joel, son of Aaron and Esther, died Oct. 29, 1776, age 2 mos.

Hosford, Roxy G., daughter of Aaron and Roxy, died Mar. 25, 1797, age 16 mos.

Hosford, Roxy, wife of Aaron, died Dec. 10, 1796, age 22 yrs.

Howard, Mary Belding, wife of Captain Edward, died Mar. 2, 1761, age 29 yrs.

Howe, Eva A. Smith, wife of George L., born Apr. 26, 1861, died Jan. 4, 1916.

Hoyt, James T., son of James J. and Mary, died July 3, 1819, age 16 yrs. 6 mos.

Hubbell, Grania, wife of Ira, died Nov. 18, 1874, age 80 yrs.

Humphrey, Henry, born 1828, died 1915.

Humphrey, Leon B., born 1872, died 1934.

Humphrey, Mary Chase Ladd, born 1852, died 1920.

Hyde, Harriet Webb, born 1855, died 1930.

Hyde, Sarah R., daughter of William and Sarah, died Dec. 9, 1832, age 4 yrs. 4 mos.

Hyde, William D., son of William and Sarah, died Mar. 2, 1833, age 4 yrs. 10 mos.

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