Hale Collection of Connecticut Cemetery Records

Connecticut Cemetery Inscriptions and Records

Home | Litchfield County | Colebrook Cemetery Information, List and Map

Headstone Inscriptions
Town of Colebrook
Litchfield County, Connecticut

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Inscriptions Pages 1-80
Index of Inscriptions 81-98
List of Cemeteries -99
Location of Cemeteries (Map) -100

This list of inscriptions, Town of Colebrook, was copied in 1934, under the auspices of the F.E.R.A. and the W.P.A. sponsored by the Connecticut State Library, was compiled under the supervision of Charles R. Hale, State Military Necrologist, assisted by Miss Mary H. Babin, Secretary.

Hartford, Connecticut, December 1937.

Colebrook Cemeteries

1. Center Cemetery On State Road, near store
2. South Cemetery Turn right at Church 1/4 mile
3. Baptist Cemetery North Colebrook, turn right at Phelps Place, go 1/4 mile
4. Hemlock Cemetery On Colebrook River Route 8
5. Spencer Cemetery On Thomas Spencer Farm on road to Colebrook River
6. Colebrook River Cemetery Near Church, Colebrook River
7. Beech Hill Cemetery Near Simons Corner
8. Hitchcock Cemetery Near Baptist Church
9. Old North Colebrook Cemetery or Cobb City Cemetery 1/2 mile north east of Church (Inquire Carrington Phelps)
10. Hurd Cemetery On Dewey Nixon farm, just north of Spencer 605-5

Colebrook Cemetery Map

Colebrook, Connecticut Cemetery Map

Home | Litchfield County | Colebrook Cemetery Information, List and Map